Khoisan Enterprise and Logistics Johannesburg

Khoisan Enterprise and Logistics



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Who We Are:

KHOISAN ENTERPRISE & LOGISTICS is a 100% black owned South African Transport and Logistics business formed to close a gap in the Transport and Logistics industry where so many companies come and go without any real impact or dedication to being a service provider with integrity and aims at providing various transport and logistical solutions at both local and cross-border to neighboring SADC countries. KHOISAN ENTERPRISE & LOGISTICS was informally established and in the year 2019 and has since been formally established and is growing in stature into a well established, well structured transport and distribution service provider for Various Companies that requires Transportation Services The company has been able to establish a very capable workforce and sufficient infrastructure to break through into this highly competitive industry. Our supervisory and management teams are of high qualification and have diversified experience, which blends well to establish a world class company – their emphasis lie in their hands on approach method.